
Drunk App Helm Chart

The Drunk App Helm Chart provides a robust and flexible framework for deploying the App on Kubernetes clusters. This chart allows users to easily manage, configure, and scale applications using the Helm package manager, streamlining the deployment process and facilitating the integration of essential application components such as container images, environment variables, secrets, and persistent storage.

Key Features

Perfectly suited for both development and production environments, this Helm chart ensures that deploying the Drunk Test App is seamless, repeatable, and efficient while maintaining a high degree of customization. Whether you’re setting up a simple app or managing a complex microservices architecture.


To install the chart with the release name drunk-app, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Helm repository (if needed):

    helm repo add drunk-app https://baoduy.github.io/drunk.charts/drunk-app
    helm repo update
  2. Install the chart:

    helm install drunk-app drunk-app/drunk-app


These parameters are overarching settings that impact the entire deployment.

Parameter Description Default
nameOverride Overrides the name of the application drunk-test-app

Image Credentials

Credentials for accessing the Docker registry.

Parameter Description Default
imageCredentials.name Name of the Docker registry secret drunkcoding-acr-secret
imageCredentials.registry URL of the Docker registry drunkcoding.net
imageCredentials.username Username for Docker registry drunk
imageCredentials.password Password for Docker registry coding


Settings applicable to all deployed containers and resources.

Parameter Description Default
global.image Docker image to use baoduy2412/astro-blog
global.tag Docker image tag latest
global.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
global.storageClassName Default storage class for persistent volumes 111
global.imagePullSecret Secret for pulling images drunkcoding-acr-secret
global.initContainer.image Initial setup container image baoduy2412/astro-blog
global.initContainer.command Command for init container ['sh', '-c', 'echo Init complete;']

Environment Variables

Variables set via ConfigMap for application configuration.

Parameter Description Default
env.env1 Environment variable 1 hello
env.env2 Environment variable 2 drunkcoding


Configuration through Kubernetes ConfigMap.

Parameter Description Default
configMap.hello Sample ConfigMap entry 1
configFrom Additional configs from external sources [name_of_other_config]


Sensitive information such as passwords or connection strings.

Parameter Description Default
secrets.connectionString Example connection string "ABC"
secretFrom Additional secrets from external sources [name_of_other_secret]

TLS Secrets

Configuration for TLS certificates.

Parameter Description Default
tlsSecrets.cloudflare.enabled Whether to enable Cloudflare TLS true
tlsSecrets.cloudflare.crt TLS certificate (truncated certificate)
tlsSecrets.cloudflare.key TLS key (truncated key)


Deployment-related configurations for the application.

Parameter Description Default
deployment.enabled Enable or disable deployment true
deployment.ports.http HTTP port 8080
deployment.ports.tcp TCP port 9090
deployment.liveness Liveness endpoint /healthz
deployment.args Command-line arguments for the application (multiple args)
deployment.podAnnotations Annotations for the pod testMe: drunk-coding


Scheduled jobs run at regular intervals.

Parameter Description Default
cronJobs[].name CronJob name drunk-cjob-1, drunk-cjob-2
cronJobs[].schedule CronJob schedule format "* 0 * * *"
cronJobs[].args Arguments passed to the CronJob hello
cronJobs[].command Commands for the CronJob hello-1, hello-2
cronJobs[].restartPolicy Restart policy (if set) Always


One-time tasks executed as batch jobs.

Parameter Description Default
jobs[].name Job name drunk-job-1, drunk-job-2
jobs[].args Arguments passed to the Job hello
jobs[].command Commands for the Job hello-1, hello-2
jobs[].restartPolicy Restart policy (if set) Always


Persistent and ephemeral storage settings.

Parameter Description Default
volumes.data-vol.size Size of the volume 2Gi
volumes.data-vol.storageClassName Storage class for the volume abc
volumes.data-vol.accessMode Access mode for the volume ReadWriteOnce
volumes.data-vol.mountPath Mount path for the volume /data
volumes.data-vol.subPath Subpath within the volume abc.dev
volumes.data-vol.readOnly Whether the volume is read-only false
volumes.other-vol Additional volume similar to data-vol (similar setup)
volumes.tmp.mountPath Mount path for temporary storage /tmp
volumes.tmp.emptyDir Use EmptyDir for /tmp storage true


Settings for managing external access to the application.

Parameter Description Default
ingress.enabled Enable ingress true
ingress.className Class name for ingress nginx
ingress.hosts Hosts for ingress routing [{"host": "hello.drunkcoding.net", "port": 8080}, {"host": "api.drunkcoding.net", "port": 9090}]
ingress.tls TLS configuration chart-example-tls


Please refer the file values.test.yaml for details.


Contributions are welcome!. For any questions or issues, please open an issue in the project’s GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Steven Hoang