
Class: ApimProductBuilder


Purpose: Initializes the ApimProductBuilder with the provided arguments and sets up the initial state.


const builder = new ApimProductBuilder({
  name: 'example',
  apimServiceName: 'apimService',
  group: { resourceGroupName: 'resourceGroup' },
  vaultInfo: { /* vault info */ },

Method: withPolicies

Purpose: Sets the policies for the API product.


builder.withPolicies((policyBuilder) => {
  return policyBuilder
    .setHeader({ name: 'headerName', type: SetHeaderTypes.add, value: 'headerValue' })

Method: requiredSubscription

Purpose: Specifies that a subscription is required for the API product.


  approvalRequired: true,
  subscriptionsLimit: 10,

Method: withApi

Purpose: Adds an API to the product.


builder.withApi('apiName', (apiBuilder) => {
  return apiBuilder
    .withServiceUrl({ serviceUrl: 'https://api.example.com', apiPath: '/v1' })
    .withVersion('v1', (versionBuilder) => {
      return versionBuilder.withRevision({
        revision: 1,
        operations: [{ name: 'Get', method: 'GET', urlTemplate: '/' }],

Method: withHookProxy

Purpose: Adds a hook proxy API to the product.


builder.withHookProxy('hookProxyName', {
  authHeaderKey: 'Authorization',
  hookHeaderKey: 'X-Hook-Header',

Method: published

Purpose: Marks the product as published.



Method: buildProduct

Purpose: Builds the API product instance.

Usage: This method is called internally by the build method and does not need to be called directly.

Method: buildSubscription

Purpose: Builds the subscription for the API product.

Usage: This method is called internally by the build method and does not need to be called directly.

Method: buildApis

Purpose: Builds all the APIs added to the product.

Usage: This method is called internally by the build method and does not need to be called directly.

Method: build

Purpose: Builds the entire API product, including the product instance, subscription, and APIs.


const resourceInfo = await builder.build();

Example Usage

Here is a complete example that demonstrates how to use the ApimProductBuilder class:

const builder = new ApimProductBuilder({
  name: 'example',
  apimServiceName: 'apimService',
  group: { resourceGroupName: 'resourceGroup' },
  vaultInfo: { /* vault info */ },

  .withPolicies((policyBuilder) => {
    return policyBuilder
      .setHeader({ name: 'headerName', type: SetHeaderTypes.add, value: 'headerValue' })
    approvalRequired: true,
    subscriptionsLimit: 10,
  .withApi('apiName', (apiBuilder) => {
    return apiBuilder
      .withServiceUrl({ serviceUrl: 'https://api.example.com', apiPath: '/v1' })
      .withVersion('v1', (versionBuilder) => {
        return versionBuilder.withRevision({
          revision: 1,
          operations: [{ name: 'Get', method: 'GET', urlTemplate: '/' }],
  .withHookProxy('hookProxyName', {
    authHeaderKey: 'Authorization',
    hookHeaderKey: 'X-Hook-Header',

const resourceInfo = await builder.build();

This example demonstrates how to create an ApimProductBuilder instance, configure it with policies, required subscription, APIs, and hook proxies, mark it as published, and finally build the product.